Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Automatic generation of logic types.



makeLogical :: Name -> Q [Dec] Source #

Generate a logic representation and a corresponding Logical instance for a given type.

Using this function requires you to enable the DeriveGeneric and TypeFamilies extensions.

Consider the following type definition:

data Tree a
  = Empty
  | Leaf a
  | Tree a :* Tree a

makeLogical ''Tree yields

data LogicTree a
  = LogicEmpty
  | LogicLeaf (Term a)
  | Term (Tree a) :?* Term (Tree a)
  deriving (Generic)

instance Logical a => Logical (Tree a) where
  type Logic (Tree a) = LogicTree a
  unify = genericUnify
  walk = genericWalk
  occursCheck = genericOccursCheck
  inject = genericInject
  extract = genericExtract

For details, see makeLogicType and makeLogicalInstance.

makeLogicals :: [Name] -> Q [Dec] Source #

Generate a logic representation and a corresponding Logical instance for each given type. This works like makeLogical, but better suits mutually recursive types.

Logic representations

makeLogicType :: Name -> Q [Dec] Source #

Generate a logic representation for a given type.

Consider the following type definition:

data Tree a
  = Empty
  | Leaf a
  | Tree a :* Tree a

makeLogicType ''Tree yields

data LogicTree a
  = LogicEmpty
  | LogicLeaf (Term a)
  | Term (Tree a) :?* Term (Tree a)

For newtypes, it doesn't make sense to introduce another layer of variables. Hence, Logic will be used instead of Term.

newtype BetterInt = BetterInt Int
makeLogicType ''BetterInt
-- ^ newtype LogicBetterInt = LogicBetterInt (Logic Int)

makeLogicTypes :: [Name] -> Q [Dec] Source #

Generate a logic representation for several types. This works like makeLogicType, but better suits mutually recursive types.

data LogicTypeRules Source #

Settings for generating a type's logic representation.

defaultLogicTypeRules :: LogicTypeRules Source #

Default LogicTypeRules. Does not derive any instances for the logical representation.

makeLogicTypeWith :: LogicTypeRules -> Name -> Q [Dec] Source #

makeLogicType, but allows configuring how the logical representation is generated.

makeLogicTypesWith :: LogicTypeRules -> [Name] -> Q [Dec] Source #

makeLogicTypes, but allows configuring how the logical representations are generated.

Logical instances

makeLogicalInstance :: Name -> Name -> Q [Dec] Source #

Generate a Logical instance, given a type and its logical representation.

Currently, the instance relies on GenericLogical, so both types need to have a Generic instance. When using makeLogical, the logical representation will have a derived Generic instance.

For each type variable, there will be a Logical constraint.

Since Logical includes a type family definition, using this function requires enabling the TypeFamilies extension.

Consider the following declarations:

data Tree a
  = Empty
  | Leaf a
  | Tree a :* Tree a
  deriving (Generic)
makeLogicType ''Tree
deriving instance Generic (LogicTree a)

makeLogicalInstance ''Tree ''LogicTree yields

instance Logical a => Logical (Tree a) where
  type Logic (Tree a) = LogicTree a
  unify = genericUnify
  walk = genericWalk
  occursCheck = genericOccursCheck
  inject = genericInject
  extract = genericExtract

makeLogicalInstances :: [(Name, Name)] -> Q [Dec] Source #

Generate Logical instances, given pairs of a type and its logical representation. This works like makeLogicalInstance, but better suits mutually recursive types.

Exhaustive prisms

makeExhaustivePrisms :: Name -> Q [Dec] Source #

Generate ExhaustivePrisms for a given (supposedly logic) type.

This function expects that you already have regular prisms in the scope whose names are constructor names prefixed with _ (i.e. you used makePrisms). Then, exhaustive prisms will have a prime in the end (or an exclamation mark for infix constructors).

Consider the following declarations:

data Tree a
  = Empty
  | Leaf a
  | Tree a :* Tree a
  deriving (Generic)
makeLogicType ''Tree
makePrisms ''LogicTree

makeExhaustivePrisms ''LogicTree yields (sans short tags)

_LogicEmpty' :: ExhaustivePrism (LogicTree a) (e, l, n) (e', l, n) () e e'
_LogicEmpty' = from _Tagged . _LogicEmpty . _Tagged

_LogicLeaf' :: ExhaustivePrism (LogicTree a) (e, l, n) (e, l', n) (Term a) l l'
_LogicLeaf' = from _Tagged . _LogicLeaf . _Tagged

(.:?*!) :: ExhaustivePrism (LogicTree a) (e, l, n) (e, l, n') (Term (Tree a), Term (Tree a)) n n'
(.:?*!) = from _Tagged . (.:?*) . _Tagged