Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



The matche for Haskell. Comes in non-exhaustive and, most importantly, exhaustive versions.


Non-exhaustive pattern matching

Pattern matching in this library syntactially looks similar to the one from the total package and is based on Prisms, though the mechanics differ. Let's take a look at an example.

data Expr
  = Variable String
  | Abstraction String Expr
  | Apply Expr Expr
  deriving (Generic)
makeLogic ''Expr
makePrisms ''LogicExpr

expro :: Term Expr -> Goal ()
expro = matche
  & on _LogicVariable (\_var -> return ())
  & on _LogicAbstraction (\(_var, body) -> expro body)

After defining our data type, we derived its logic type using makeLogic, and then generated prisms for the logic type using makePrisms from the lens package. The prisms are crucial to enable pattern matching.

Two functions are used for pattern matching: matche and on. They are composed using & so that the code looks similar to the built-in case expression.

At the very top, we use matche. Then, for every case we want to consider, we use on and provide a prism — the left-hand side of the arm — and a function — the right-hand side of the arm. If the value matches the pattern, the function is applied to the data stored inside the variant.

When pattern-matching on a term, every arm will be tried. Results from each arm will be combined using disjunction. This is just like how matche from faster-minikanren behaves.

>>> mapM_ print (take 3 (run expro))
Value (LogicVariable (Var (VarId 1)))
Value (LogicAbstraction (Var (VarId 1)) (Value (LogicVariable (..))))
Value (LogicAbstraction (Var (VarId 1)) (Value (LogicAbstraction ...)))
>>> run (\() -> expro (inject' (Variable "foo")))
>>> run (\() -> expro (inject' (Apply (Variable "f") (Variable "x"))))

(note that expro deliberately doesn't include a case for Apply.)

How does this actually work? Remember that & just swaps the function and its argument, so expro is equivalent to

on _LogicAbstraction (\(_var, body) -> expro body)
   (on _LogicVariable (\_var -> return ())

One can now clearly see that on takes a third argument in which other cases are considered. It takes a forth argument too — the value to match on. When you provide that value, on will try to match it with the given pattern, and apply the given function if possible. on will also apply this value to the remaning cases and take a disjunction. The matche at the end is just const failo.

Since on is expected to be used with &, it will take special care to test cases in the order they will appear in the source code. This means that you can list cases in the natural order from simple on the top to complex on the bottom and the code will work as expected.

on and matche together make for non-exhaustive pattern matching. As you have already seen, expro in the above examples misses a branch for the Apply. This is perfectly safe, since non-handled variants will just lead to contradiction. However, it may be desirable to perform an exhaustive pattern matching — see the next section for that.

Non-exhaustive pattern matching also lets you consider the same variant twice or more. The results will be combined in the usual way.

>>> :{
  extract' <$> run (matche
    & on _LogicVariable (\x -> x === inject' "x")
    & on _LogicVariable (\x -> x === inject' "y"))
[Just (Variable "x"),Just (Variable "y")]

If a variant contains just a single field, it is possible to perform nested pattern matching. All it takes is to compose two prisms with _Value in between:

>>> :{
  extract' <$> run (matche
    & on (_LogicLeft . _Value . _LogicVariable) (\x -> x === inject' "x")
    & on (_LogicRight . _Value . _LogicVariable) (\x -> x === inject' "y"))
[Just (Left (Variable "x")),Just (Right (Variable "y"))]

The _Value here is just the glue between the focus of the left prism, which is a Term a, and the source of the right prism, which is a Logic a.

Note that in the very first example, expro is a function with one parameter, but its equation does not include it on the left side. That's because the whole matche & ... expression is a function, and this is nice when you want to match on the last parameter in the relation. If this is not applicable in your case, you might want to use the following syntax:

x & (matche
  & on ...)

Finally, the LogicalBase module, which provides Logical instances for base types, also provides prisms for their logical representations for the purposes of pattern matching.

on Source #


:: (Logical a, Fresh v) 
=> Prism' (Logic a) v

The pattern

-> (v -> Goal x)

The handler

-> (Term a -> Goal x)

Remaining cases

-> Term a

Value being matched

-> Goal x 

One case for non-exhaustive pattern matching.

Although we try to match on a Term, the prism only need to operate on a Logic type.

In case when the value being match is unknown yet, on must be able to construct this value from the pattern — hence the Fresh v constraint. It should just work though since Fresh has instances for tuples, and prisms' foci are tuples too.

matche :: Term a -> Goal x Source #

Finalize non-exhaustive pattern matching.

_Value :: Prism' (Term a) (Logic a) Source #

Focus on the logical value inside a term.

This prism aids nested pattern matching. You might expect that, since regular prisms can be easily composed, say _Just . _Left, then _LogicJust . _LogicLeft should also work. However, this is not the case since the types are slightly different:

_LogicJust :: Prism' (Logic (Maybe (Either a b))) (Term (Either a b))
_LogicLeft :: Prism'                             (Logic (Either a b)) (Term a)

Hence, we need one more prism between _LogicJust and _LogicLeft for the types to match. This prism is _Value.

Exhaustive pattern matching

While lispers may be fine with pattern matching as described in the previous section, we haskellers love exhaustive pattern matching, and it would be sad if we'd have to give up on it when writing relational programs in Haskell. So this module also provides a variation on pattern matching with compile-time exhaustiveness check. It looks quite similar to the non-exhaustive version:

expro' :: Term Expr -> Goal ()
expro' = matche'
  & on' _LogicVariable' (\_var -> return ())
  & on' _LogicAbstraction' (\(_var, body) -> expro body)
  & on' _LogicApply' (\(function, argument) -> do
      expro function
      expro argument)
  & enter'

matche becomes matche', on becomes on', and enter' comes on the scene. We also need to use a bit different prisms, which get an apostrophe at the end as well. For now we'll just assume that we already have them:

>>> mapM_ print (take 3 (run expro'))
Value (LogicVariable ...)
Value (LogicApply ...)
Value (LogicAbstraction ...)

This works, but we are more interested in the case when we forgot a case and would like to get a compile-time error.

>>> :{
  run (matche'
    & on' _LogicVariable' (\_var -> return ())
    & on' _LogicAbstraction' (\(_var, body) -> expro body)
    & enter')
<interactive>:2:6: error: [GHC-39999]
 • Ambiguous type variable ‘ap0’ arising from a use of ‘matche'’
   prevents the constraint ‘(Exhausted ap0)’ from being solved.

Indeed, our program fails to compile with an error so easy to understand we'll spend the next few paragraphs explaining it.

The magic that allows us to perform the exhaustiveness check is in the new prisms. They have the following type:

ExhaustivePrism (Logic s) (…, c, …) (…, c', …) a c c'

…which is actually just an alias for the more verbose type

Prism (Tagged (…, c , …) (Logic s))
      (Tagged (…, c', …) (Logic s))
      (Tagged c  a)
      (Tagged c' a)

The source type is now Tagged with a tuple that contains a variable for each variant of the type. The focus is also Tagged with the variable for the variant that this prism focuses on. Take a look at _LogicVariable':

_LogicVariable' :: ExhaustivePrism

LogicExpr (v, ab, ap) (v', ab, ap) (Term String) v v' > _LogicVariable' = from _Tagged . _LogicVariable . _Tagged

These new prisms are easily implemented using regular prisms and the _Tagged isomorphism (provided by this module). It should be possible to generate them automatically, but this is not implemented yet.

In its type signature, on' instantiates the type variable c to Remaining and c' to Checked. The Checked tag will be passed on to the remaining cases (and @Remaining will propagate back to previous cases). Therefore, the type checker will infer the following tags for each case (remember that & is reverse application, so the exhaustiveness check happens bottom-up):

  & on' _LogicVariable' …    -- (  Checked,   Checked, Checked)
  & on' _LogicAbstraction' … -- (Remaining,   Checked, Checked)
  & on' _LogicApply' …       -- (Remaining, Remaining, Checked)
  & enter'

Now, the job of matche' now is to check that the tags it receives are all Checked. This is done using the private Exhausted type class. It has instances for Checked and tuples consisting of Exhausted types.

While these tags are nice, they need to come from somewhere, but Terms don't have them. To solve this problem, we introduce enter' which attaches tags to the term being matched. The enter' has to be put below all cases.

The question now is, what happens when we miss a case? For the forgotten variant, the type checker will not be able to infer the concrete tag. When the tags arrive at matche', the type checker will check for the Exhausted constraint and fail, because it does not know if this constraint is satisfied for the unsolved type variable. Hence the compiler error we saw previously.

  & on' _LogicVariable' …    -- (  Checked,   Checked, ap)
  & on' _LogicAbstraction' … -- (Remaining,   Checked, ap)
  & enter'                   -- (Remaining, Remaining, ap)

The exhaustive version of pattern matching also support nested patterns. Just like with non-exhaustive pattern matching, two prisms need to composed with _Value' in between.

  & on' _LogicLeft' (\x -> x === Value False)
  & on' _LogicRight' . _Value' . _LogicJust' (\x -> x === Value 42)
  & on' _LogicRight' . _Value' . _LogicNothing' (\() -> failo)
  & enter'

In this example, the tags will have the form (left, (nothing, just)). You don't need to use nested patterns, but if you do, you have to enumerate all possible subcases as well. This works nicely with recursive types too.

Unlike non-exhaustive pattern matching, the exhaustive version explicitly disallows visiting the same variant twice. Although checking an already checked case wouldn't hurt, it doesn't play nicely with nested patterns.

The LogicalBase provides prisms for exhaustive pattern matching too.

enter' :: (Matched m a -> Goal x) -> Term a -> Goal x Source #

Begin exhaustive pattern matching by attaching initial tags to the term. Do keep in mind that these tags do not exist at runtime.

on' Source #


:: (Logical a, Fresh v) 
=> ExhaustivePrism (Logic a) m m' v Remaining Checked

The pattern, which also participates in the exhaustiveness check

-> (v -> Goal x)

The handler

-> (Matched m' a -> Goal x)

Remaining cases

-> Matched m a

Value being matched

-> Goal x 

One case for exhaustive pattern matching.

Exhaustive pattern matching requires special prisms which know of all possible variants and can mark a variant as checked. See the guide above for details.

Remaining and Checked are private types on purpose.

matche' :: Exhausted m => Matched m a -> Goal x Source #

Finalize exhaustive pattern matching.

The Exhausted m constraint checks that m is composed only of Checked tags.

instance Exhaustive Checked
instance (Exhaustive a, Exhaustive b) => Exhaustive (a, b)

type ExhaustivePrism s m m' a t t' = Prism (Tagged m s) (Tagged m' s) (Tagged t a) (Tagged t' a) Source #

A prism which is suitable for exhaustive pattern matching.

Although the type definition might allow changing the type of the focus, this is not neccesary for exhaustive pattern matching and so not covered here.

_Tagged :: Iso b b' (Tagged s b) (Tagged s' b') Source #

The isomorphism for Tagged, useful to implement prisms for exhaustive pattern matching.

_LogicJust' :: Prism
  (Tagged (nothing, just ) (Maybe a ))
  (Tagged (nothing, just') (Maybe a'))
  (Tagged just  (Term a ))
  (Tagged just' (Term a'))
_LogicJust' = from _Tagged . _LogicJust . _Tagged

_Value' :: ExhaustivePrism (Term a) m m' (Logic a) m m' Source #

Focus on the logical value inside a term.

This prism serves the same purpose as _Value, but is adapted for exhaustive pattern matching.