Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module implements binary numbers as described in the declarative pearl “Pure, Declarative, and Constructive Arithmetic Relations” by O. Kiselyov et al.

The paper is available at https://okmij.org/ftp/Prolog/Arithm/arithm.pdf and the original implementation in Prolog is available at https://okmij.org/ftp/Prolog/Arithm/pure-bin-arithm.prl.



data Bit Source #




Instances details
Generic Bit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kanren.Data.Binary

Associated Types

type Rep Bit :: Type -> Type #


from :: Bit -> Rep Bit x #

to :: Rep Bit x -> Bit #

Num Binary Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kanren.Data.Binary

Show Bit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kanren.Data.Binary


showsPrec :: Int -> Bit -> ShowS #

show :: Bit -> String #

showList :: [Bit] -> ShowS #

NFData Bit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kanren.Data.Binary


rnf :: Bit -> () #

Eq Bit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kanren.Data.Binary


(==) :: Bit -> Bit -> Bool #

(/=) :: Bit -> Bit -> Bool #

Logical Bit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kanren.Data.Binary

Associated Types

type Logic Bit = (r :: Type) Source #

type Rep Bit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kanren.Data.Binary

type Rep Bit = D1 ('MetaData "Bit" "Kanren.Data.Binary" "typedKanren-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "O" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "I" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type))
type Logic Bit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kanren.Data.Binary

type Logic Bit = Bit

_O' :: ExhaustivePrism Bit (o, i) (o', i) () o o' Source #

_I' :: ExhaustivePrism Bit (o, i) (o, i') () i i' Source #

type Binary = [Bit] Source #

zeroo :: Term Binary -> Goal () Source #

Check that the number is zero.

poso :: Term Binary -> Goal () Source #

Check that the number is positive, i.e. greater than zero.

gtlo :: Term Binary -> Goal () Source #

Check that the number is greater than one (i.e. at least two).

The naming comes from the paper.

binaryo :: Term Binary -> Goal () Source #

Generate valid binary numbers.

addo Source #


:: Term Binary

a, the first summand

-> Term Binary

b, the second summand

-> Term Binary

c, the sum

-> Goal () 

Calculate the sum c of two numbers a and b.

>>> extract' <$> run (addo (inject' 3) (inject' 5))
[Just [O,O,O,I]]

One can turn it around to subtract from a number:

>>> extract' <$> run (\b -> addo (inject' 2) b (inject' 8))
[Just [O,I,I]]

When both summands are unknown, every possible pair will be enumerated.

>>> bimap extract' extract' <$> run (\(a, b) -> addo a b (inject' 2))
[(Just [O,I],Just []),(Just [],Just [O,I]),(Just [I],Just [I])]

If one of the summands is greater than the sum, the relation will produce no results.

>>> run (\a -> addo a (inject' 10) (inject' 3))

The implementation of add is discussed in section 4 of the paper.

subo Source #


:: Term Binary

a, the minuend

-> Term Binary

b, the subtrahend

-> Term Binary

c, the difference

-> Goal () 

Calculate the difference c of two numbers a and b. This is just addo, but with parameters in different order.

lesso Source #


:: Term Binary

a, the lesser number

-> Term Binary

b, the greater number

-> Goal () 

Check that a is strictly less than b. Otherwise, the goal fails.

>>> run (\() -> lesso (inject' 3) (inject' 4))
>>> run (\() -> lesso (inject' 3) (inject' 2))

One can turn this relation around to generate numbers less or greater than a given one.

>>> extract' <$> run (\x -> lesso x (inject' 4))
[Just [],Just [I],Just [I,I],Just [O,I]]
>>> take 5 $ extract' <$> run (\x -> lesso (inject' 4) x)
[Just [I,O,I],Just [O,I,I],Just [I,I,I],Just [O,O,O,I],Just [I,O,O,I]]

mulo Source #


:: Term Binary

a, the first multiplier

-> Term Binary

b, the second multiplier

-> Term Binary

c, the product

-> Goal () 

Calculate the product c of two numbers a and b.

>>> extract' <$> run (mulo (inject' 3) (inject' 4))
[Just [O,O,I,I]]

One can turn this around to factor a given number.

>>> extract' <$> run (\a -> mulo a (inject' 2) (inject' 12))
[Just [O,I,I]]
>>> bimap extract' extract' <$> run (\(a, b) -> mulo a b (inject' 4))
[(Just [I],Just [O,O,I]),(Just [O,I],Just [O,I]),(Just [O,O,I],Just [I])]

The goal will fail if any multiplier is not a factor of the product.

>>> run (\a -> mulo a (inject' 5) (inject' 7))

The implementation of mul is discussed in section 5 of the paper.

divo Source #


:: Term Binary

n, the dividend

-> Term Binary

m, the divisor

-> Term Binary

q, the quotient

-> Term Binary

r, the remainder

-> Goal () 

Calculate the quotient q and remainder r of dividing n by m.

>>> bimap extract' extract' <$> run (\(q, r) -> divo (inject' 17) (inject' 5) q r)
[(Just [I,I],Just [O,I])]

One can turn this around to find divisors of a number.

>>> extract' <$> run (\m -> fresh >>= \q -> divo (inject' 12) m q (inject' 0))
[Just [O,O,I,I],Just [I],Just [I,I],Just [O,I,I],Just [O,I],Just [O,O,I]]

The implementation of div is discussed in section 6 of the paper.

Source #


:: Term Binary

n, of which to calculate the logarithm

-> Term Binary

b, the base

-> Term Binary

q, the logarithm

-> Term Binary

r, the remainder

-> Goal () 

Calculate discrete logarithm q of a number n in base b, perhaps with some remainder r.

>>> bimap extract' extract' <$> run (\(q, r) -> logo (inject' 9) (inject' 3) q r)
[(Just [O,I],Just [])]
>>> bimap extract' extract' <$> run (\(q, r) -> logo (inject' 15) (inject' 3) q r)
[(Just [O,I],Just [0,I,I])]

One can turn this around to find the number b raised to some power q:

>>> extract' <$> run (\n -> logo n (inject' 5) (inject' 2) (inject' 0))
[Just [I,O,O,I,I]]

or to find the q-th root of n:

>>> extract' <$> run (\b -> logo (inject' 8) b (inject' 3) (inject' 0))
[Just [O,I]]

If you want to enumerate solutions to logo n b q r, you probably shouldn't go beyond the first 16 solutions without an OOM killer.

The original implementation of this relation in Prolog can be found at https://okmij.org/ftp/Prolog/Arithm/pure-bin-arithm.prl. Although the paper mentions this relation in section 6, it does not discuss its implementation in detail.